Thursday, March 13

IM Global Phosphate Roundup 11-17 October

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by Kasia Patel

A brief look at the rest of the week’s phosphate stories in the news

Keywords: phosphate, OCP, Chatham Rock Phosphate, Celamin Holdings NL, Krucible, Tunisian Mining Services SARL, Getax International, offshore development, European Investment Bank

Morocco’s sole phosphate producer, state-owned Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP), is to receive a €130m ($170.6m) loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to upgrade its phosphate facilities in Morocco.

The loan will be used specifically for the construction of low-grade phosphate processing and enrichment plants in Khouribga. Two modern sulphuric acid production plants will also be built to replace the existing facilities at Safi.

“This new loan testifies to…

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