Wednesday, March 19

ICD Organizes The Ninth ‘Club Sherpas’ Meeting In Morocco

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Saudi Gazette


The ICD organizes the ninth meeting of The International Development Finance Club (IDFC) “the Club Sherpas” in the regional office of Islamic Development Bank Group in Rabat, Morocco and IDB Group Business Forum ‘THQAH’.

THE Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) has concluded on Monday the two-day ninth meeting of The International Development Finance Club (IDFC) “the Club Sherpas” in the regional office of Islamic Development Bank Group (IDB) in Rabat, Morocco and IDB Group Business Forum “THQAH”.

IDFC is a group of like-minded development banks from across the globe that collaborates to face global challenges. Members join their forces (funding capacities, local and international experience, market and product know-how), to complement each other’s needs and objectives. IDFC representatives meet regularly since 2010 in order to formalize their cooperation and address global challenges in development, particularly the issues related to climate change, financing infrastructure projects, social development, poverty alleviation, green growth and funding innovation.

By hosting the event, ICD demonstrates its commitment to promote best development practices and its willingness to work continuously with other institutions by providing its expertise in Islamic finance and market knowledge of its 52 member countries, Africa, the Middle – East, Asia and Central Europe.

As a member of IDFC, ICD will create a platform to intensify its efforts and increase its interventions in different member countries through strategic partnerships and mobilizing the necessary funding for its development projects as well as sharing the expertise of each member. The meeting tackle global challenges and also presented issues related to the development of Islamic finance.

Since 2015, ICD has been a member of the IDFC in its role of building strategic partnerships for development of the private sector and promoting Islamic finance globally.



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