Thursday, March 6

Housing shortage in Morocco

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Morocco is facing a dire shortage of housing, according to a government officialMorocco is facing a dire shortage of housing, according to a government official

Morocco suffers a shortage in housing unitsreaching up to 800,000, an official told Al Arabiya on Saturday.

Morocco’s Minister of Housing, Nabil Abdullah,said that his government succeeded in building 100,000 housing units and will inject $400 million to help increase housing units’ supplies.

“We aim to build 170,000 housing units annually.”

Since 2004, the government has channeled around $8.3 billion to build houses and apartments in the country, he added.

Meanwhile, Morocco’s “social houses,” which are part of a government project to build housing units that are exempted from taxes and tailored for low-income citizens, have received a high interest from foreign and national investors as well as from marginalized groups, who are in need of affordable housing units.

The government will also work to launch projects to build housing units for both middle and high-income consumers which include luxury infrastructure.



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