Monday, February 24

HM The King Presides Over New Ramadan Religious Lecture

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HM the King presides over new Ramadan religious lectureCasablanca – HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, presided, on Tuesday at the Royal Palace in Casablanca, over a new Ramadan religious lecture.

The lecture was given by professor Mohamed Abou Al Houda Al Yacoubi, former teacher at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, on the theme “Judgement differences between the Fatwa and justice in Islam”, drawing on the Koranic verse ” if ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message.”

Professor Abu Al Huda Al Yacoubi, first, extended thanks and gratitude to HM the King for the humanitarian aid granted by Morocco to Syrian refugees in Jordan.

Referring to the Koran, he reported that the fatwa, which is among the major topical issues, can be made on all subjects.
He recalled that the Prophet Mohammad and his companions issued fatwas among the people of their times, but the latter displayed great vigilance and only gave opinions at strong insistence of believers.

He also cited the case of Al Imam Malik Bin Anas, who was asked to issue fatwas about forty questions, but gave answers to four of them only, admitting to know nothing about the rest. The Imam must, therefore, be considered a model for the proclamation of fatwa in view of the precautions he took over this issue.

Concerning the comparison between fatwa and justice, Abu Al Huda Al Yacoubi cited several writings made particularly by Maliki theologians defining the function of the judge and of the person giving the fatwa.

The speaker praised, in this respect, the model of Morocco where the fatwa is entrusted, under the auspices of HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, to a collective body, namely the Supreme Council of Ulema.

He stressed the relevance of creating instances of theologians in the Islamic world so that they address the new issues faced by Muslims.

The speaker stressed that it is important for a mufti to issue fatwas in accordance with the rite in force in a given country, and to be aware of the events of his time. The mufti must also show magnanimity and mercy to people as well as moderation, away from extremism.

At the end of the lecture, attended by Libyan prime minister Abderrahim El Kib, HM the King was greeted by the delegation accompanying the Libyan premier.

He was also greeted by a number of Muslim scholars.


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