Tuesday, February 25

HM The King Instructs Justice Minister To Request Release Of Minors Involved In Post Football Match Events Pending Court Verdict

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HM King Mohammed VI gave His High instructions to the Minister of Justice and Liberties to filed official requests to the relevant jurisdictions to release the minors involved in the events that followed the match that had opposed on April 11 the teams of Raja and FAR and to return them to their families “until the court rules on the facts for which they face charges”.

          “Sensitive to the suffering of the families and convinced that a large number of young people among those arrested were unconsciously driven to commit vandalism acts, His Majesty the King, may God assist him, kindly gave His High instructions to the Minister of Justice and Liberties in his capacity as head of public prosecution to file official requests to the relevant jurisdictions to release the minors and return them to their families, until the court decides on the facts for which they are facing charges”, said Thursday a statement of the Ministry of Justice and Liberties.   

Following the events that occurred in Casablanca on the occasion of the football match and that have caused important material damages, 214 people were arrested and referred to justice, recalled the statement.

According to the same source, among the persons arrested, “there are minor children, teenagers and adults with criminal records for drug trafficking.”

Furthermore, the source added, since April 15, several networks of dealers were dismantled and a large quantity of psychotropic tablets and amphetamine, often sold to minors, were seized.


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