Monday, March 17

HM the King Congratulates Obama On Re-Election As President of the U.S.

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Source: MAP

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI has sent a congratulations message to Barack Obama on the occasion of his re-election as President of the United States of America for a second term. In his message, the monarch renewed the will of Morocco to continue working in cooperation with the US to further develop and expand the bilateral ties, to which the strategic partnership between the two countries has given fresh impetus and opened up vast and promising prospects.

Here follows the full text of the royal message :

“Praise be to God

May peace and blessings be upon

His Prophets and Messengers

Dear Mr. President,

On the occasion of your re-election as President of the United States of America, it gives me great pleasure to send you my warmest congratulations, together with my most sincere wishes for good health, happiness and continued success in your lofty mission and in your endeavors to lead the American people towards further progress and prosperity.

Your re-election for a second term reflects the vibrancy and effectiveness of American democracy. It is also a strong indication of the great confidence placed in your wise leadership. This re-election attests to the high esteem in which you are held, given your human qualities, your political acumen and your wise decisions based on consultation, realism and compromise.

Allow me to take this opportunity to say how much I value the solid, longstanding relations between our two nations, and how keen I am to continue working with you, Mr. President, to further develop and expand our bilateral ties. The strategic partnership between our two countries has undoubtedly given fresh impetus to our bilateral relations and opened up vast, promising prospects.

The Kingdom of Morocco reiterates its keen desire to pursue consultation and coordination with the United States of America with a view to developing mechanisms to make sure our promising partnership leads to concrete projects that benefit key sectors in our respective countries and serve as models of solidarity and complementarity in the region.

I avail myself of this opportunity to say how much Morocco – its King, government and people – appreciates your great country’s concrete support for the in-depth reforms I am resolutely spearheaded to achieve sustainable development in my country, and for the various initiatives undertaken to fulfill major regional and national objectives, including our constructive endeavors to set up a complementary, integrated Maghreb Union and promote a regional environment in which the peoples concerned can enjoy security, prosperity and stability.

I should like you to know, Mr. President, that I fully share your earnest ambition regarding the achievement of sustainable development in Africa. Morocco will always stand by your side to uphold the ideals of freedom, justice, equality and dignity, to foster good governance and shared progress, to promote the lofty human values of tolerance and intercultural, inter-faith coexistence and to reject all forms of violence, extremism and insularity. My country will do whatever it can to contribute to the emergence of a better, safer, more peaceful and more equitable world which is committed to upholding the principles of solidarity and to international legitimacy.

Given the depth of our historical relations and also our strategic partnership and cooperation today, I keenly look forward to pursuing our consultations and concerted action at the highest levels on all issues of common concern, in regional and international forums, in order to serve the best interests of our peoples.

In this regard, and to further strengthen its firm alliance with your great nation, my country is fully prepared to support all common initiatives and endeavors to tackle the major security challenges and growing perils threatening regional and international peace. These challenges and perils require concerted efforts so that they may be resolutely and effectively dealt with, in the framework of a solid alliance involving credible partners who share a firm belief in the need to spare our region the risks of terrorism and partition, and who look forward to the emergence of a safe, stable and solidarity-based world.

Once again, I should like to congratulate you on earning the American people’s trust in your able leadership and to wish you continued success in your mission.



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