Friday, March 14

Gulfsands ‘Pleased’ With New Morocco Gas Well Flow

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GulfsandsTrade Arabia

Gulfsands Petroleum has confirmed Dardara Southeast 1 (DRC-1) at Rharb Centre in Morocco as a future producing gas well after the completion of flow testing, according to a report.

The well flowed at an average gas rate of 7.1million standard cubic feet per day, said the report in

Gulfsands expects that the DRC-1 well can be linked to existing local infrastructure in order to start production of gas for sale in the coming months, it said.

Gulfsands Petroleum CEO Mahdi Sajjad said: “We are very pleased with the flow result from well DRC-1, the performance of which is consistent with the apparent excellent quality of the reservoir observed from drilling and wire line log information.”

The Rharb drilling programme is focusing on a series of shallow gas anomalies discovered in the Rharb Centre permit as Miocene-aged fans and channel sands at depths of 1,000 m to 1,650 m.


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