Monday, March 10

Grain Exports From France¹s Rouen Fall 19% on Barley Decline

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Grain Exports From France’s Rouen Fall 19% on Barley Decline
By Rudy Ruitenberg

Grain exports from the French port of Rouen, Europe’s biggest cereal-shipping hub, fell 19 percent in the latest week as barley deliveries declined.

Shipments dropped to 128,865 metric tons between March 22 and March 28 from 159,777 tons a week earlier, the Seine River port said in an e-mailed report today. Exports included 112,350 tons of soft wheat, little changed from the prior week.

Algeria was the biggest export destination, taking 76,550 tons of soft wheat. Barley shipments to Morocco declined to 13,525 tons, less than half the 32,898 tons shipped the previous week, the data showed.

Rouen accounted for 45 percent of France’s maritime grain exports in 2009-10, ahead of La Pallice on the Bay of Biscay, which shipped out 19 percent, according to figures from national crops office FranceAgriMer.

Rouen grain loadings by destination, in metric tons:

 March 22-28 Soft wheat Algeria 76,550 Morocco 27,500 Dem. Rep. Congo 7,050 Republic of Congo 1,250 Durum wheat U.K. 1,790 Barley Morocco 13,525 Germany 1,200

To contact the reporter on this story: Rudy Ruitenberg in Paris atrruitenberg

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Carpenter atccarpenter2



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