Sunday, February 23

Government Program Aims To Build Strong, Stable, Supportive And Prosperous Society: Govt Chief

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Rabat – Moroccan Head of government Abdelilah Benkirane said his cabinet’s program aims at building a strong, stable, supportive and prosperous society that ensures a dignified life for citizens, pays particular attention to Moroccans living abroad and based on the promotion of the middle class by making available the means necessary for the production of wealth.

This program is a contractual vocation and focuses on three major broad lines both in regard to public policy as well as their implementation, namely the integrated and complementary action, the participatory approach and the desire to link the responsibility to accountability, said Benkirane who presented the program of his government Thursday before both Houses of Parliament.

This program is based on the election programs of parties in the government coalition and stems from the will to implement the provisions of the new constitution, to meet the pressing needs of the Moroccan people with all its fringes both in Morocco and abroad, the economic and social actors and institutions of civil society, and to honour the international commitments of the Kingdom, said the Premier.

The current legislature must be that of implementing the provisions of the new constitution, Benkirane said, noting that the new fundamental law underlies a deep process of reform of the functions of State, its structures and roles, and provides the basis of complementarity and cooperation between institutions to meet the challenges of good governance, economic development and social justice. It also consolidates the influence of the Moroccan model and its attractiveness.

The Prime Minister also said that the implementation of the provisions of the new constitution requires also a contract management in the development and implementation of its maturity, an approach that should bring majority and opposition as well as all civil society actors according to clearly defined priorities for the next five years.

He said the adoption of a participatory and democratic approach in that sense is a crucial component of the government program.

On the Sahara issue, Benkirane stressed that this question is at the top of the government program’s priorities and that the cabinet will spare no effort to reach a lasting and mutually acceptable political solution in full compliance with the territorial integrity of Morocco.

The government will work to support the process of negotiations from the Moroccan autonomy initiative that the Security Council described as credible and serious, Benkirane said, expressing his high regard for HM King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, for the interest that the Sovereign attaches to the Royal Armed Forces, the Royal Gendarmerie, national security and auxiliary forces who continue to made enormous efforts to best fulfil their missions.
The Government will also continue to support efforts by authorities to deal with terrorist threats that threaten the country through an anticipatory approach in this area.

Benkirane said that the presentation of the government program comes in the wake of the democratic process that the Arab world is seeing. Morocco has risen to these challenges by choosing, under the leadership of HM the King, an exceptional process and a choice based on the reforms and the immutable values of the Moroccan nation, namely the attachment to the tolerant Islamic religion, the constitutional monarchy, the democratic option and the defence of territorial integrity.

The program also draws on the guidance contained in the royal speech of March 9, which has largely met the aspirations of the forces who want to reform and fight against corruption and which was behind the reform process initiated by the referendum of July 1, 2011, crowned the parliamentary elections of November 25, said Benkirane.

Cabinet Programme: Justice Reform And Strengthening Public Rights, Freedoms – Govt Statement

Rabat – The total and thorough reform of the judicial system is a top priority as set by the new government, given the vital role of justice in building democracy, social stability and economic development, said Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane

Presenting on Thursday the government statement before both Houses of Parliament, Benkirane considered the protection of citizens’ rights and socio-economic stakeholders helps create a climate of trust that encourages private initiative and investment.

Accordingly, the Government will strive, through a participatory approach to the implementation of constitutional provisions and the enactment of organic and legal aspects of the independence of the judiciary and judges, particularly in terms of status of judges and disciplinary proceedings.

The new government will also continue the project of major reforms in this area and aiming at updating the legal arsenal governing the exercise of public freedoms, including the revision of the criminal proceedings in the light of international agreements signed by Morocco.

The government said in its program, it will ensure the acceleration of the procedure for enforcement of sentences made against the administration and adopt effective measures in this regard.

With regard to human rights, the new government considers that the constitution, which devoted an entire chapter to this issue, remains a roadmap for the protection of human, civil, political, economic, social, cultural and ecological rights.

Cabinet Program Aims At 5.5% Growth Over The Period 2012-2016: Govt Chief

The government program aims to achieve a growth rate of 5.5%, control the inflation rate around 2% and reduce the unemployment rate to 8% in the period 2012-2016, said on Thursday Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkriane.

19 janvier 2012

The government program aims to achieve a strong, sustainable and generating- employment-opportunities growth rate, based on the support of domestic demand through improving purchasing power, promoting investment and strengthening external demand.

This will be achieved by improving the competitiveness of Moroccan companies and their ability to explore the markets, said Benkirane who presented the government statement during a plenary session of both houses of parliament.

The program also aims to achieve a growth rate of 6% of non-agricultural GDP to ensure a gradual return to a level of fiscal deficit around 3% of GDP during the period 2012-2016 and to increase savings rates and investment, while curbing the current account deficit of balance of payments, said the government statement.

The program also seeks to improve the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole in order to enable it to be positioned, at the geographical and development levels, among emerging markets over the next decade and to involve different sectors to the growth dynamics in an integrated and complementary way, added the document.

To this end, the program is based on improving governance, fighting speculation, and monopoly, the promotion of efficient administration, improving the business climate, promoting investment and strengthening the territorial dimension and regional development, as well as supporting small and medium enterprises with the aim of promoting employment.

To ensure a gradual return to a level of fiscal deficit around 3% of GDP, the government program provides for the establishment of good governance in public financial management and the adoption of a rational public spending linking expenditure to necessary needs.

Cabinet Seeks To Reduce To 8% Unemployment In 2016: Govt Chief

Rabat –
Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane said Thursday before both Houses of Parliament in a plenary session that his government plans to reduce unemployment rate to 8% by 2016.

The cabinet aims to reduce unemployment especially among the “unemployed graduates,” by monitoring the implementation of programs “Taahil,” “Moukawalati” and “Idmaj” through a series of new initiatives said Benkirane during the presentation of the government program.

In this respect, he mentioned the programs of “Moubadara/Initiative,” “Taatir/Training” and “Istiaab/Assimilation.”

The government program calls for increasing the performance of self-employment, setting up a national observatory of employment, developing a detailed study of the labour market, broadening representation on the Board of Directors of the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment And Skill (ANAPEC) and revitalizing the Supreme Council and the regional councils of employment.

Driven by the desire to do justice to a large segment of the citizens with many forms of poverty (illness, disability, lack of health coverage …), the program assumes a deep overhaul of public institutions operating in this field on the basis of an integrated approach.

This approach aims to allow nearly 10 million citizens to benefit from the compulsory health insurance and implement the medical assistance program that will benefit 30% of the population (8.5 million).

To this end, the program is committed to creating a public fund of social insurance for the poor, expand compulsory health insurance to professions, merchants, artisans, students and private sector employees.



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