Thursday, March 6

Government Investment​s Spur Infrastruc​ture Developmen​t Across Sectors in Morocco, Finds Frost & Sullivan

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CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Sept. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — The government is the primary driver for infrastructure development in Morocco and all projects are prioritised within each sector so that none are neglected. Further, the country has invested $7.61 billion in renewable energy, and leads the integration of green technology with infrastructure in Africa.

Overall, investments in current and future infrastructure programs will amount to $53.66 billion in 2012, according to the new study from Frost & Sullivan’sEnvironmental ( group. Strategic Analysis of Morocco’s Infrastructure Sectors covers the road, rail, airport, port, energy and power, telecommunication, water and wastewater treatment, housing, healthcare, and education sectors in Morocco.

Morocco is already a transport hub for trade between North Africa andEurope. However, much improvement is required to compete on an international scale. Hence, the road, rail, airport and port sectors will be key priority areas for infrastructure expansion.

“A significant aspect in Morocco’s infrastructure advancement is the adoption of green technologies, driven by the country’s National Charter for Environment and Sustainable Development,” said Frost & Sullivan Energy and Environmental Senior Industry Analyst Sarah O’Carroll. “Decorative solar panels in airports and recycled plastic railway sleepers in the Rabat Agdal train station are some of the green solutions already in use.”

Investments in renewable energy projects will enable 42 percent of the country’s energy to be generated through solar, wind and hydro power by 2020, and will propel Morocco to become one of the first in the world to export green energy. In fact, the nation aims to meet 17 percent of Europe’s energy demand by 2050 through its Desertec solar power plant. With projects such as these, Morocco will soon lead renewable energy generation in Africa.

Since these ambitious plans require large-scale funding, the government relies on private and donor organisations for financing. Public-private partnerships will therefore, be a common trend. The private sector is expected to invest $30.10 billion, the majority of which will be used to support mega initiatives such as high-speed train projects.

“There is a wealth of opportunity for private companies offering environmentally-friendly solutions,” observed O’Carroll. “Partnerships with local firms will be profitable for global businesses, as they can access the industrial pollution fund provided for enterprises investing in clean technologies.”

If you are interested in more information on this research, please send an e-mail to Samantha James, Corporate Communications,, with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company e-mail address, company website, city, state and country.

Strategic Analysis of Morocco’s Infrastructure Sectors is part of theEnvironmental Growth Partnership Service program. Frost & Sullivan’s related research services include: Kenya Infrastructure Sectors, Uganda’sInfrastructure Sectors, South Africa’s Social Infrastructure Sectors, and South Africa’s Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Sectors. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

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Strategic Analysis of Morocco’s Infrastructure Sectors M869-15

Contact: Samantha James Corporate Communications – Africa P: +27 21 680 3574 F: +27 21 680 3296 E:


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