Tuesday, March 4

Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies, 2010

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NEW YORK, Oct. 13, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies, 2010


After the impact of international economic crisis in 2008, the global metal & mining industry has recovered from the bottom in early 2009, ever since when, the global metal price has been on the steady rise and it was higher than the long-term trend line during the majority of 2010.

Fueled by the sustained growth of macro-economy and the expansion of domestic demand, China witnessed the exceedingly strong demand for major metal ore products in 2009, the mining market was continuously animated, and the mining economy transformed from weakness to renewal. Meanwhile, Chinese enterprises accelerated the M&A overseas. According to the statistics of MEG, there were 31 projects or companies priced over US$25 million among the M&A of global basic metal enterprises in 2009. Hereinto, all of the Top 3 purchasers were Chinese enterprises. In addition, the 9 acquisitions of Chinese purchasers held 40% of total resource values of the 31 M&As.

Based on the Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies in 2009, we sorted out more than 800 mining (excluding coal mine, petroleum, and natural gas) and metal related (excluding metal products) enterprises listed in over 50 major stock exchanges worldwide, downloaded their latest annual reports and financial reports, found the financial data concerning the over 800 mining and metal enterprises, and worked out the global Top 500 mining and metal enterprises in 2010 according to such indices as revenue, net income, and total assets.

The global Top 500 mining and metal enterprises in 2010 indicated the climbing strength of Chinese metal & mining enterprises. In contrast to the global Top 500 in 2009, Chinese enterprises performed powerfully in 2010 and occupied 25 positions of the global Top 100 in 2010, up 31.6% against the quantity of 19 in 2009. Besides, Australian metal & mining enterprises also made remarkable achievements in 2010 and accounted for 64 positions of the global Top 500, an increase of 56.1% from the number of 41 in 2009.

Table of Contents

1 Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies

1.1 Research Background and Methods

1.2 Rank

2 Australia

2.1 Overview

2.2 Investment

3 Asia

3.1 Overview

3.2 Investment

3.3 Typical Countries

3.3.1 Indonesia

3.3.2 Viet Nam

3.3.3 Thailand

3.3.4 Philippines

3.3.5 Kazakhstan

3.3.6 Uzbekistan

4 Europe

4.1 Overview

4.2 Investment

4.3 Typical Countries

4.3.1 Russia

4.3.2 Poland

4.3.3 Sweden

4.3.4 Ukraine

5 Africa

5.1 overview

5.2 Investment

5.3 Typical Countries

5.3.1 South Africa

5.3.2 Zambia

5.3.3 Morocco

5.3.4 Congo

5.3.5 Ghana

5.3.6 Guinea

6 America

6.1 Overview

6.1.1 The North America

6.1.2 The South America

6.2 Investment

6.3 Typical Countries

6.3.1 Brazil

6.3.2 Canada

6.3.3 Chile

6.3.4 Peru

6.3.5 Bolivia

6.3.6 Jamaica

7 Overview of Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies

(including company profile, website, stock code, business, revenue and profit in past five years)

A M Castle & Co


Acertec Plc


Acos Villares SA

Adhunik Metaliks


Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd



Alamos Gold




Allegheny Technologies

Alro SA


Ammtec Ltd

Aneka Tambang Tbk PT

Anglo American PLC

Anglo Platinum Ltd

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd


Antofagasta PLC

Anvil Mining Ltd

Anyang Iron & Steel Inc

SGIS Songshan Co., Ltd.

Brigus Gold Corp

Aquarius Platinum Ltd

Arab Aluminum Company SAE

Arabian American Development Co


ArcelorMittal SA

ASEC Company for Mining (ASCOM) SAE

Atlas Consolidated Mining And Development Corp

Aurizon Mines Ltd

Avocet Mining PLC

Azovstal Iron and Steel

Baoji Titanium Industry

Baoshan Iron &Steel Co Ltd

Baotou Steel Rare Earth

Baotou Steel Union

Barrick Gold Corp


BE Group AB

Beijing Shougang

Bengang Steel Plates

BHP Billiton

Bhushan Steel Ltd

BlueScope Steel Ltd

Boliden AB

Brush Engineered Materials Inc


Cameco Corp


Capral Ltd

Capstone Mining Corp


Carpenter Technology Corp

CBH Resources Ltd


Central African Gold Plc

Central Sun Mining Inc

Central African Mining & Exploration

Century Aluminum Co

Century Mining Corp

Chemtura Corp

Chengde Xinxin Vanadium And Titanium Co Ltd

Chenzhou Mining

Chihong Zinc&Germanium

China Molybdenum


China Yunnan Tin

Chongqing Iron & Steel Co Ltd

Chugai Mining Co Ltd

Chun Yuan Steel Industry Co Ltd

Chung Hung Steel Corp

Chuo Denki Kogyo Co Ltd


CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd

Cliffs Natural Resources Inc

China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co Ltd

China Metro Rural Holdings Ltd




Umicore NV/SA

Universal Stainless & Alloy Products Incorporated

Uruguay Mineral Exploration Inc




Uttam Galva


Valin Iron & Steel

Van Shung Chong Holdings Ltd

Vedanta Resources PLC

Vietnam Industrial Investments Ltd

Vimetco NV

Viohalco SA

Visa Steel

Volcan Compania Minera SAA

Weatherly International Plc

Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd

Western Metal Materials

Western Mining Co Ltd

Wuhan Iron and Steel Co Ltd

XINGFA ALUM SEHKXingye Copper International Group Ltd

Xining Special Steel Co Ltd

Xinjiang Joinworld Co Ltd

Xinjiang Xinxin Mining Industry Co Ltd

Xstrata PLC

Xiamen Tungsten Co.,Ltd.



Yeun Chyang Industrial Co Ltd

Yieh Phui Enterprise Co Ltd

Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd

Yue Da Mining

Nanjing Welbow Metals Co., Ltd.

Yunnan Aluminum

Yunnan Tin


ZCCM Investment Holdings

Zhaojin Mining

Henan Zhongfu Industry Co.,Ltd.

Zhongjin Gold?Zhongjin Gold Corp.,Ltd.?

Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co.,Ltd.

Zijin Mining


Huludao Zinc Industry Co.,Ltd.

Slected Charts

Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies (1-100)

Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies (101-200)

Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies (201-300)

Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies (301-400)

Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies (401-500)

Mineral Exploration of Australia 2003-2009(unit: millions)

Mining production and exports of Australia,2009-2010

Minerals processing of Australia, 2009-2010

Australian economic demonstrated resources for selected minerals, 1995-2008

Mineral export market of Australia

Mineral resource prices to end 2009, Australia

Advanced mineral map of Australia, 2009

Mineral Exploration in Australia, Original series?Mar,2002-Mar,2010

South Australian Mineral Exploration by Commodity

Indonesia Mining Commodity for Bauxite (Aluminium)

Main minerals output of Thailand, 2007-2010( unit: ton)

Philippines: Production of Mineral Commodities1

Kazakhstan: Production of Mineral Commodities1, 2

Europe and Central Eurasia: Historic and Projected Primary and Secondary Aluminum Production, 1995-2015

Europe and Central Eurasia: Historic and Projected Copper Mine Production, 1995-2015

Europe and Central Eurasia: Historic and Projected Gold Mine Production, 1995-2015

Europe and Central Eurasia: Historic and Projected Crude Steel Production, 1995-2015

Europe and Central Eurasia: Historic and Projected Salable Coal Production, 1995-2015

Europe and Central Eurasia: Historic and Projected Nickel Mine Production, 1995-2015

Russia: Production of Mineral Commodities,2004-2008

Poland’s Mineral Resource Distribution

Production of Mineral Commodities, Poland,2004-2008

Production of Mineral Commodities, Sweden,2004-2008

Sweden’s Mineral Resource Distribution

Ukraine: Production of Mineral Commodities,2004-2008

Mineral Output in Main African Countries,1995-2009

African Oil & Natural Gas – Proved Reserves, by Country, January 1, 2009

Licensing Rounds and Investments of Libya

Licensing Rounds and Investments of Nigeria

Licensing Rounds and Investments of Algeria

Licensing Rounds and Investments of Angola

Government Measures to Promote FDI Inflow

Known and Potential Industrial Minerals in Zambia

Metal Occurrences and Exploration Potential in Zambia

Zambia: Production of Mineral Commodities,2005-2009

Morocco and Western Sahara: Production of Mineral Commodities, 2005-2009

Congo: Estimated Production of Mineral Commodities, 2005-2009

Ghana: Production of Mineral Commodities,2005-2009

Guinea: Production of Mineral Commodities,2005-2009

The output propotions of some America-produced mineral resources in 2009

Gross Domestic Product—Mining and Mineral Manufacturing, 2002–2009

Value of Canadian Mineral Production, 1999–2009p

Canada’s Top 10 Minerals by Value of Production, 1999 and 2009

Expected Investment in the Copper and Gold/Silver Mining Sector (US$ Million)

Leading Project Startup Timeline

Expected Mine Copper Production Through 2015 (kMTF)

Top Ten Countries by Exploration Budgets, 2009 (AS % OF WORLDWIDE EXPLORATION)

Bolivia antimony ore output?2006-2008?Unit?Tons?

Bolivia tin ore output?2006-2008?Unit?Kt?

World Bauxite Mine Production, Reserves, and Reserve Base




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Global Top 500 Mining and Metal Companies, 2010

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