Thursday, March 13

GCC States Face Major Challenges – Zayani

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The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states are facing major challenges due to the instability in neighboring countries, GCC Secretary General Abdullatif Al-Zayani cautioned Monday.

Addressing the Arabian Gulf and Regional Challenges Conference, organized by Saudi Diplomatic Studies Institute here today, Al-Zayani said that the unrest in the Arab region have “spawned countless threats” to the GCC states.


He cited as examples the spreading armed political and sectarian conflicts; growing terrorist threats; piracy and cross-border crimes; illegal migration and major humanitarian problems with security impacts.

Al-Zayani noted that the GCC countries enjoy political stability and significant economic growth rates, one of the fastest in the world.

The remarkable economic growth helped promote welfare, progress and development in the GCC countries, especially in the areas of infrastructure, education, health care and housing sectors, he said.

On the “Arab Spring”, Al-Zayani said the popular uprisings which created the so-called “Arab Spring” have “horrific consequences”.

“It caused the collapse of economies of the concerned countries and negatively impacted their neighbors.

“All ‘Arab Spring’ countries have been suffering — for more than three years — of weak economic growth and a significant increase in the levels of inflation and unemployment rates,” he said.

He warned that the “the current instability will not only affect the region, but also the whole world. “This was clear in the recent resurgence of terrorist threats throughout the region and the prospects for future expansion to other countries, including Western countries.” Al-Zayani underscored the importance of the role of the United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism in coordinating a comprehensive international action to counter this common threat.

In addition to the establishment of specialized centers for promoting dialogue among followers of different civilizations, religions, sects and for fighting terrorism and extremism, the GCC states have succeeded in defeating terrorist organizations and networks that constituted a major threat not only to the region but to the whole world, he said.

The GCC chief said that instability in many regional countries have produced humanitarian crises that require a new strategy to be tackled.

Al-Zayani called for regional and international cooperation and adoption of a long-term comprehensive strategy to deal with the tense and dangerous situation and restore stability in the region.

“Achieving stability in the region requires responsible handling of its problems and coordination and consultation with the parties concerned, especially GCC states which emerged as a stabilizing factor in the region and bulwark for its neighbors and proved to be very influential when necessity arises,” he said. (end) yms.ibi


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