Thursday, March 6

G4S signs £10 million Tangier Med Port security contract

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APM_Terminals_Tangiers-200x113G4S has signed a contract worth approximately £10 million with the Tangier Med Port Authority and Tangier Med Special Agency to deliver a range of integrated security solutions at the Tangier Med Port, Morocco.

The three-year contract will see G4S protect the port’s assets, commodities and people by providing an array of specialised services, including operational and technical security focusing on passenger and freight screening.

G4S will employ over 300 specially qualified security personnel at the port.

“We are looking forward to the implementation of G4S’ security plan at the port,” said Mohamed Maghazi, QHSSE (Quality, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment) manager, Tangier Ports.

“At such a diverse facility, the skills and expertise of staff are of paramount importance so the introduction of G4S is well received.”

The Tangier Med Port, located about 40 kilometres east of Tangier within the straits of Gibraltar, is one of the largest deepwater ports both on the Mediterranean and in Africa with as many as five million containers, six million passengers and 500,000 trucks moving through the facility annually.

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