Tuesday, February 25

Full Text Of Royal Speech On Occasion Of Setting Up High Authority In Charge Of National Dialogue On Reform Of The Judiciary

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Casablanca – Here follows the full text of the speech delivered by HM King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the official setting up of the high authority in charge of the national dialogue on a comprehensive, in-depth reform of the judiciary.

Praise be to God May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to preside over the official setting up of the high authority in charge of the national dialogue on a comprehensive, in-depthreform of the judiciary.

I was keen to grant my patronage to this dialogue because of my specialinterest in the reform of the judicial system, which is one of our country’s key reform projects. I firmly believe justice lies at the heart of governance systems that are based on institutions and the ruleof law, and it is my role to make sure the rule of law is upheld and to promote investment and development.

In the 2008 State of the Nation Address, I called for a broad-based dialogue in order to develop a specific plan for a thoroughreform of the judiciary.

The broad lines of that reform were set out in my message to the nation on 20 August 2009.

I was keen to ensure the Kingdom’s new Constitution stipulated that the King guarantees the independence of the judicial branch – which is separate from the legislative and the executive branches – that a Higher Council of the Judicial Power is set up as a constitutional institution, chaired by the King, and that litigants’ rights and the process of administering justice are clearly spelled out, together with therole of the judiciary in protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals and groups.

This is the main frame of reference for the proposed national dialogue, through which Moroccans will once again confirm their commitment to the country’s distinctive democratic, development-oriented model.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In keeping with the inclusive, participatory approach we have used so far in all major reforms, we have seen to itthat this high authority includes representatives of all constitutional bodies and government and judicial sectors. We have also made sure that civil society organizations are properly represented, along with all the stakeholders concerned by the judicial reform.

I should like, in this respect, to express my appreciation to the members of this esteemed institution, who come from different spheres, and to commend their patriotism, competence and integrity. I hope they will join efforts and work together in this national endeavor.

This broad-based, representative advisory authority, which will enable the judiciary to be open to its internal and external environment, will be tasked with supervisingthe national dialogue and submitting to me draft recommendations for our judicial reform.

Considering your keen sense of responsibility and commitment to national duty, I know I can rely on you to be open-minded, to listen and to create the right conditions for the optimal reform of our judiciary.

I want to invite all the stakeholders concerned to play an active part in the forthcoming national dialogue which I will be following with keen interest. Our common goal is to draw up a national charter with precise objectives, specific priorities and programs, and clear financing, implementation and assessment mechanisms.

You will find in me, as the Guarantor of the Constitution, of the independence of the judiciary and of individual and collective rights, a leader who is eager to support you as you embark on such alofty and crucial national mission.

May Almighty God grant you every success.



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