Monday, March 10


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Associated Press

RABAT, Morocco (AP) — Moroccan authorities have announced the arrest of a French citizen in the capital Rabat on suspicion of belonging to a now dismantled terrorist recruitment network.

The statement issued Sunday by the domestic intelligence service and carried by the state news agency said the man was arrested in Rabat on the request of Spanish authorities.

On March 14, Spain and Morocco dismantled a seven-man cell divided between the Spanish cities of Malaga and Melilla, as well as the Moroccan town of Laroui, charged with recruiting men to fight in Syria and elsewhere.

Hundreds of Moroccans have left to fight for radical Islamist groups battling the Syrian regime. Others have joined al-Qaida-linked groups fighting in northern Mali.

Morocco has been largely spared terrorist violence but often reports uncovering militant recruitment networks.


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