Sunday, February 23

France Loans Morocco 152 mln USD to Finance Locomotives Purchase

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Source: Xinhua

France has loaned Morocco 152 million U.S. dollars to finance the purchase of locomotives by the kingdom’s state-owned railway operator ONCF, local media reported Saturday.

An agreement, signed by Mohamed Boussaid, Morocco’s Minister of Economy and Finance, and French ambassador to Morocco Jean Francois Girault, aims to support ONCF’s strategy to renew its railways electric traction fleet, the Moroccan daily Le Matin said.

The deal aims to support ONCF in modernizing the locomotive fleet to better meet passengers’ needs and contribute to environmental protection.

Boussaid hailed the “historical and exceptional” nature of the Moroccan-French partnership, highlighting France’s efforts to support Morocco in the implementation of various economic and social development programs.

For his part, Girault said France vows to support Morocco in modernizing and developing its transport sector.


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