Thursday, March 6

Fisheries : European Commission initials a 4-year Protocol to the Fisheries Partnershi​p Agreement with Morocco

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European Commission initials a 4-year Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement with Morocco

The European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ms. Maria Damanaki initialled today a 4-year Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) with the Moroccan Minister for Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch.

The protocol is consistent with the reform of the external dimension of the EU Common Fisheries Policy in that it places a strong emphasis on scientific advice, economic profitability, good governance and respect of international law. Sustainability is ensured by restricting fishing activity to the surplus resources in all fisheries.

Commissioner Damanaki stated: “This is an important moment for EU and Moroccan fisheries. This deal will ensure a sustainable future for the sector locally and it represents good value for money. The new protocol is in line with the principles of the reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy, by ensuring responsible international fisheries governance “.

A large number of Member States (Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Ireland, Poland and United Kingdom) have an interest in the FPA with Morocco, which includes 6 fishing categories exploited by both industrial and small-scale fleet segments. The total financial envelope for Morocco is estimated at 40m EUR. More precisely, the total cost of the new Protocol to the EU will be 30m EUR a year, of which 16m EUR compensates Morocco for access to the resource. The remaining 14m EUR will be assigned to the support of the fisheries sector in the country whilst the ship owners’ contribution is estimated at 10m EUR.

European Commission

Press release

Brussels, 24 July 2013


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