Sunday, February 23

Film: Tetouan, 'Io sono lì' by Andrea Segre wins 2 awards

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(ANSAmed) – ROME, APRIL 2 – Italian films have booked successes at the 18th International Mediterranean Film Festival of Tetouan, in Morocco: ‘Io sono lì’ by Andrea Segre has won the Azeddine Meddour Prize for best first film. The best actor award was won by Rade Serbedzija, who plays the leading role in the same film. Italy’s success was further confirmed by the fact that Daniele Luchetti has won the guest of honour award, and there was a special prize for ‘La kriptonite nella borsa’ by Ivan Cotroneo, who shared the award with the Greek film ‘Tungsteno’, by Giorgos Georgopoulos.

The most important award of the festival, the ‘Grand Prix de la Ville de Tétouan’, was given to the film ‘Mort à vendre’ of the Moroccan Faouzi Bensaidi.

Chairman of the Festival Foundation and Environment Minister in the Moroccan government Nabil Benabdallah said that he is pleased with the results of this year’s event. He explained that ”next year we will build on our previous successes booked over many years. Our goal is to work together, the festival’s team has worked hard all year to guarantee a rich and varied programme and our partners and sponsors have made sure that the festival has taken the place it deserves in the cultural landscape, making the event an unlimited space for artists and the film industry. We will do all we can to have the festival reflect the changes that are happening in some counties in the region, and to make it a meeting place for ideas and experiences of Mediterranean filmmakers.” (ANSAmed).



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