Wednesday, March 12

Film Screening Of Reveal The Path Is Thursday

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Chattanooga area cycling and adventure enthusiasts will gather Thursday for a screening of the indie film Reveal the Path to benefit a new local youth mountain biking program.

The documentary follows two professional cyclists across four continents as they explore and discover sites and cultures in Scotland, Switzerland, Morocco, Nepal, and Alaska. Event participants inspired to explore the world will have the opportunity to win an 8-day cycling tour along Austria’s Danube River, donated by locally based company BikeToursDirect. All attendees are entered to win this vacation package valued at $800.

The screening will be held at the Crash Pad, 29 Johnson St., Thursday from 6-9 p.m. Admission is $10 at the door.

The film screening is presented by La Paz Chattanooga and Southeast Youth Corps to raise funds and awareness for La Paz’s upcoming after-school mountain bike program. The annual, five-month mountain bike program will serve youth ages 13-15, in weekly trail rides and monthly community service projects.

Brenna Kenney, La Paz’s Americorps VISTA staff, says that “students who commit to the program will receive thorough education on fundamental bike maintenance techniques, learn trail safety and etiquette, and participate in a wide variety of conservation and community enrichment projects. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will earn their own new or gently used bike.”

Light refreshments will be provided and beer will be available for purchase from the Crash Pad. Doors open at 6 p.m., with the film beginning around 6:45 p.m. This is an outdoor event. All proceeds will go directly to the mountain bike program.

For information regarding the event, contact Brenna Kenney at 624-8414, or

This screening was made possible by the support of Lynskey Performance, Trailhead Bicycle Co., and Owens Cyclery.

View the film trailer:

View details on the Austria bicycle tour vacation door prize:



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