Monday, February 24

European Commission Adopts 2012 Action Programme For Morocco Worth 112 Million Euros

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Brussels – The European Commission announced on Monday its adoption of the 2012 Action Programme for Morocco with an overall budget of 112 million Euros.

The programme aims to support the reform efforts of the Moroccan government in two areas: forest management and protection policy and, the reform of financial management and public administration.

Speaking this occasion, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy  said “these new allocations fully reflect the priorities of the partnership between the EU and Morocco in the new neighbourhood policy: a policy more effective and accessible for Moroccan citizens and the development of Moroccan regions with a balanced use of the country’s natural resources.”

     The support programme for forest policy, which amounts to 37 million Euros, will support the efforts already made by the Moroccan government to fight against the degradation of forest resources and improve incomes and living conditions of local populations of these vulnerable ecosystems.

This programme will help to improve the conservation and development of existing forest resources. It will promote greater participation of local people in decisions affecting their habitat area, by promoting products resulting from a sustainable exploitation of the forest.

The programme “Hakama” (“Governance”), with a budget of 75 million Euros, will continue the efforts undertaken for more efficient and equitable mobilisation of public funding and to strengthen the performance and transparency of management of public funds, particularly through the implementation of the fundamental finance law to be adopted later in 2012. The programme will also support the improvement of the quality of public services.

Complimentary to this allocation of 112 million Euros, the European Commission has also granted an additional 80 million Euros to Morocco under the programme SPRING (Support for Partnership, Reform and Inclusive Growth).



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