Sunday, February 23

Euromed: Eu notice for regional civil society programme

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Ten partner countries involved in the South Mediterranean

(ANSAmed) – BRUSSELS, FEBRUARY 13 – The European Commission has published a service procurement notice for a 2 million euros contract for a regional capacity building programme for Civil Society Facility South in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Syria and Tunisia).

According to the Enpi website ( the global objective of this programme is to strengthen regional civil society organisations (CSOs) and to develop a sound network of CSOs within the Eu neighbourhood partners in the South region.

The main purpose is to reinforce the existing initiatives of support to non-State actors in the Neighbourhood South, complemented with new elements, and to make CSOs’ efforts in the ENP South region more visible and structured, increasing their involvement in the policy dialogue at the partner country level.

Among the indicative activities to be implemented, there will be the carrying out a mapping study of the Neighbourhood South region aimed at identifying the non-State actors of the region and analysing their needs and capacities to get involved in policy dialogue, as well as the way in which these actors can contribute to specific policies. Another activity will be to facilitate multi-stakeholder consultations and policy dialogue, paying particular attention to enhance civil society visibility.

The duration of the project is 36 months, with a provisional start date of June 2012. The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 March. (ANSAmed)


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