Sunday, February 23

EU reaffirms ‘full support’ to efforts aiming to achieve just, lasting political solution to Sahara issue

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New York (U.N.), Oct 10, 2011 –
The European Union (EU) reaffirmed, on Monday in New York, his “full support to the efforts of the U.N. Secretary General to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution” to the dispute over the Sahara.

10 October 2011

“We welcome the ongoing efforts of the Personal Envoy of the U.N. Secretary-General, Ambassador Christopher Ross,” and “we strongly encourage the parties and neighbouring states to continue to work with him to allow the political process to move forward,” said the Minister Counsellor of the European Commission Delegation to the UN, Andras Kos, before the 4th Committee of the General Assembly.

The EU also expressed its “concern at the implications” of the dispute over the Sahara on the regional “security and cooperation”.

The EU also welcomed the adoption of the Security Council resolution 1979 on the Sahara and “the parties’ commitment to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere propitious for dialogue,” the European official added.

The parties must, he said, work in this direction in order to “return to a more intensive phase of negotiations in good faith and without preconditions, taking note of the efforts and developments since 2006, and therefore, ensure the implementation of the Security Council resolutions 1754, 1783, 1813, 1871, 1920 and 1979 and the success of negotiations.”

It is important, he said, that the “parties demonstrate greater political will to move forward towards a solution.”

The EU also expressed its “full support for the intensification of informal meetings, including rounds of talks held in Manhasset and Malta, and welcomes discussions on ideas presented by the Secretary-General’s latest report.”


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