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EP gives green light to trade deal with Morocco

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BRUSSELS, Feb 16 (KUNA) — The European Parliament (EP) on Thursday gave its consent to the liberalization of the EU-Morocco trade in agricultural and fisheries products.

The EP’s green light (369 votes in favour, 225 against) allows an increase in certain quotas for zero or low duty imports and represents a step towards a more extensive free trade agreement, noted an EP statement.

The agreement will immediately lift 55% of tariffs on Morocco agricultural and fisheries products and 70% of tariffs on EU agricultural and fisheries products within 10 years.

The trade deal is intended to boost EU-Morocco ties and support the transition to democracy following the Arab Spring, it said.

The agreement includes safeguards, for example by allowing only moderate increases to quotas of certain products, such as tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers and garlic.

On Tuesday, EP gave its consent to an agreement with Morocco that sets out the general principles for participation in EU programmes.

Morocco has expressed an interest in taking part in EU programmes in the fields of competitiveness and innovation, freight transport, customs and air traffic control. (end) nk.gb KUNA 161925 Feb 12NNNN


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