Friday, March 28

Eesti Energia studies oil shale reserves in Morocco

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Baltic Course

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn

120829_san_leon_energy_slan.jpgA joint venture of Eesti Energia and engineering company Outotec, the Enefit Outotec Technology, concluded a cooperation agreement with energy concern San Leon Energy plc for preliminary studies of the oil shale deposits in the Tarfaya mineral deposit in Morocco, LETA/Äripä reports.

One of the aims of the cooperation agreement is to evaluate the suitability of the Enefittechnology for the oil shale in the Tarfaya mineral deposit, which is estimated to contain 500 million barrels of shale oil.

The cooperation agreement covers Enefit Outotec Technology (EOT) studies and pilot tests and designs, supply of equipment and support for launching an oil plant.

In 2010, Eesti Energia studied oil shale in Morocco’s Aghbala and Errachidia mineral deposits but since the quality of the minerals was not sufficient to make processing it economically feasible, the project was ended.


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