Monday, February 24

Economy To Grow 4.3 Pc In 2013, Planning Commission

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Economy to grow 4.3 pc in 2013, Planning commissionMorocco’s GDP is due to grow by 4.3 pc in 2013, mainly due to an expected 5.8 pc growth in the primary sector, according to the forecasts of the High Planning Commission (HCP) for next year.

The growth is also attributed to the stability of the activities of the non-agricultural sector, due to edge up 4.1 pc in 2013 slightly down from 4.3 pc in the current year, the HCP said in its economic budget for 2013.

It said the improvement of non-agricultural activities is due to confirmed growth of the secondary sector, expected to progress by 4.9 pc in 2013, against 4.4 pc in 2012.

The HCP expects the sector of agriculture to grow by 5.8 pc, according to a theoretical average forecast of 70 million quintals of cereals during the 2012-2013 crop year.

The fisheries should also contribute to the growth of the primary sector, thanks to the modernisation programmes of coastal and artisanal fishing launched under the Ibhar and Halieutis strategies.


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