Monday, March 10

Dutch Social Affairs Minister Talks Integration In Morocco Politics

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Dutch social affairs minister Lodewijk Asscher begins a visit to Morocco on Tuesday to discuss integration and radicalisation issues, broadcaster Nos says. Asscher will meet the Moroccan prime minister Abdelilah Benkirane, various ministers, the human rights council and a number of experts to discuss radicalisation among Dutch youth of Moroccan origin.

‘It is always good to exchange views about subjects such as integration and how to stop youngsters travelling to war zones,’ a spokesman told the broadcaster. Asscher also plans to discuss treaties covering social benefits, Nos says. He wants to reduce to local levels the benefits paid to Moroccan Dutch who have returned to Morocco and has already torn up some previous agreements. Morocco has criticised that decision, saying people who have paid social insurance premiums should be entitled to the same level of payouts as people living in the Netherlands


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