Thursday, March 6

Dii report: PV, CSP and wind industry could provide up to 5% of Morocco’s GDP, create thousands of jobs

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The Desertec Industrial Initiative (Dii) has released a new report which finds that the solar photovoltaic (PV) concentrating solar power (CSP) and wind industries could provide up to 5% of the total value of goods produced in 2030 in Morocco, if the nation invests heavily in renewable energy.

“Economic Impacts of Desert Power” suggests that the nation could initially focus on the production of relatively simple, multi-purpose components, including mounting systems for PV plants, while developing manufacturing for more complex components.

“Morocco could also halve its dependence on fossil fuel imports, which decreased to 8% of GDP to 4% of it in 2030,” states Dii CEO Paul van Son. “At the same time, GDP growth would be enhanced significantly.”

“With its abundant wind and solar resources and its proactive policy of diversifying its sources of supply, it offers ideal conditions for the emergence of a dynamic and competitive industrial base dedicated to renewable energy.”


Opportunity of 58,000 job-years in solar

Dii estimates that there exists an opportunity to create 35,000 job-years of employment in CSP and 23,000 job-years for PV for every EUR 1 billion invested. These jobs would involve both component manufacturing and plant construction, as well as operations & maintenance.

Morocco has already begun training programs for careers in renewable energy, and the organization notes that international partnerships could accelerate the development of the renewable energy sector in Morocco.



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