Sunday, February 23

Corruption Perceptions Index: Morocco Ranks 80 Among 183 Countries, Transparency International

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Rabat – Morocco ranks 80 among 183 countries around the world, said the 2011 report of Transparency International on corruption perceptions index.

In 2010 and 2009, Morocco ranked 85 and 89 respectively.

According to a statement of the ministry of modernization and public sectors, Morocco made progress in terms of promoting good governance and the fight against corruption.

“Several observers took note of the significant progress made in terms of corruption perception, which reflects Morocco’s sound choices” in this field, the statement added.

This improvement also shows the efficiency of the programmes and measures undertaken as part of the implementation of the national strategy for the fight against corruption and for the moralization of public life, according to the same source.

The new constitution, the statement added, dedicates a whole chapter to good governance and introduces deep reforms to strengthen transparency, through the constitutionalization of different authorities of good governance, including the Central Authority for Corruption Prevention.


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