Wednesday, February 26

Cold wave affects tomato development in Morocco

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Fresh Plaza

The low temperatures registered two weeks ago in Agadir, Morocco, have had an impact on the shipments to European markets.

Perpignan’s operators were the first to notice the lower supply volumes, as these fell by over 15%, although now that temperatures are warmer, production is also back to the usual levels.

The drop in temperatures was not extreme, but they went as low as 3-4 degrees Celsius; temperatures at which tomatoes stop their development.

In addition to the colder weather, strong winds during the past week and a half have caused the suspension of some routes between Tanger and Algeciras, leading to delays in the shipments.

In any case, operators of the Saint Charles Market were not worried, as demand in France was paralysed because of the snow in the central and northern parts of the country, although they did show concern about the consequences of the cold wave, as plants during the second quarter of the campaign are especially sensitive to weather changes.

Fuente: Fyh


Publication date: 1/29/2013






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