Wednesday, January 22

Climate Champions Of France And Morocco

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France and Morocco’s climate champions are preparing to lay out their strategy to help boost cooperative global action between governments, cities, business, investors and citizens in the wake of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, with an emphasis on cohesive, innovative and practical solutions to cut global emissions rapidly and also help the most vulnerable adapt to climate impacts and build their own clean energy futures.

Dr. Hakima El Haite, Delegate Minister in Charge of Environment, Climate Champion, Morocco and Ambassador Laurence Tubiana, Climate Champion, France met today on the margins of the latest UN climate change conference in Bonn, Germany, where they are scheduled to present their road map this coming Friday.

Governments in Paris formally recognized the enormous importance of individual and coordinated climate action by non-state actors in achieving the central goal of the agreement – to keep the average global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius, but preferably to limit it to an even safer 1.5 degrees.

To help drive forward this essential breadth and depth of climate action at a high level and to bring all stakeholders together to speed up and scale up immediate action, governments also agreed to appoint two champions between 2016-2020, who will be selected successively from outgoing and incoming Presidencies of the annual UN climate change conference. Morocco hosts the next conference – COP22 – in November.

Climate action registered publicly with the UN before and after Paris by these non-state actors is captured on the NAZCA portal. NAZCA and its registered commitments dovetailed with a range of larger ones showcased under the related Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA)—an initiative of the Governments of France and Peru, the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the UNFCCC. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is managing NAZCA, recently launched a global campaign to spotlight these game-changing commitments, including the many which are happening in the developing world.


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