Tuesday, March 4

Citrus Export

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Moroccan citrus export forecast has been revised downward by the USDA due to strong local demand and competition from other countries in the Mediterranean region.

Citrus industry estimates suggest that fresh orange and fresh lemon/lime exports are slightly lower in 2020-21 year-on-year, according to a USDA GAIN report

Moroccan citrus exports had been expected to experience exponential growth in the 2020-21 marketing year, according to a USDA report released in December 2020.

At the time, the report said exports for soft fruits, oranges, and lemons/limes are all predicted to increase. However, the most prominent changes were expected to be seen in the export of oranges and soft fruits.

Moroccan citrus production this season – which has still not finished – has benefitted from improved weather and consistent rain, the latest USDA report says.

However, estimates of oranges, lemons, mandarins, and orange juice remain unchanged, based on no new official Moroccan production data.

Weather conditions in Morocco have remained cool and wet, a contrast from drought conditions and heat stress during the last two production seasons, especially during the flowering period.

As a result, Post will continue to base its estimate on the assumption of “normal/favorable conditions”, it said.


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