Tuesday, March 18

Circle Oil: Gas Discovery At CGD-13 Onshore Morocco

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by Rigzone Staff

Circle Oil

Circle Oil plc announced Wednesday that a gas discovery has been made at the Caid El Gaddari-13 (CGD-13) exploration well on the Sebou Permit, onshore Morocco.

The CGD-13 well, which was spud on October 8 and drilled to a target depth of 2,857 feet on October 17, encountered approximately 20 feet of net pay and an interval of 15 feet was perforated between 2,595 and 2,664 feet. Testing has been completed and the well has flowed at a rate of 4.45 million cubic feet per day through a 28/64 inch choke.

The discovery concludes the 2014/15 ten well drilling campaign for Circle in Morocco. In total, the campaign recorded six new discoveries, five at the Sebou permit and one at the Lalla Mimouna permit.

Circle Oil has stated that its geological team will review and integrate the well data from this campaign when planning the next campaign in Morocco, initially scheduled for late 2016. Circle Oil CEO, Mitch Flegg, commented in a company statement: “We are delighted with the result of CGD-13. This is the latest success in what has been an excellent campaign. In addition to drilling six successful wells and discovering additional reserves of gas, we have significantly deepened our understanding of both our Moroccan permits.

This will provide a strong foundation for the future development of our Moroccan business. “We would like to thank our partner, ONHYM, for their continued support in the development of our Moroccan permits. Morocco remains at the core of Circle’s business and we are looking forward to developing our next drilling campaign.”


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