Friday, March 14

ChromoGenics conducts accelerated field tests of the products ConverLight® 65 & 75 in Morocco

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The field tests, that are performed with focus on product durability, are carried out in Morocco where the products are naturally exposed to high levels of solar radiation and high temperatures all year round.

The products included in the field test are insulating glass with ConverLight 65 & 75, mounted at angles of 90, 45 and 5 degrees to cover the most common product applications. The glasses switches between dark and light mode through time-controlled automation. The glasses are inspected regularly and light measurements are made every week.

The tests have now been in operation for two weeks but are planned to continue during the entire product lifespan. All data will be compiled annually in order to be compared with non-exposed control products and accelerated tests carried out in the lab. The plan forward is to perform accelerated field tests on a certified exposure site in Arizona, USA.

”The field test in Morocco is a very important part of our work on validating quality and durability for ConverLight. The test will also provide valuable information on how our products perform in warmer countries with higher UV index than we have here in Scandinavia, information that is necessary for future export investments.” says CTO Greger Gregard.


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