Tuesday, February 25

“CEO Summit 2013” Highlights Morocco-US Trade And Investment Opportunities

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Trade and investments opportunities between Morocco and the USA, linked by a free trade agreement signed in 2006, were highlighted on Friday in the “CEO summit 2013”, the first forum of Moroccan entrepreneurs living in the USA

The first meeting of the kind held by the “Moroccan American Network” was an opportunity to underscore the rich investment opportunities available in the two countries and promote Morocco as a new platform for investments.

The forum took place in Arlington, VA, in the presence of Moroccan and US business and finance experts and entrepreneurs and local officials

Assistant executive director of the port of Virginia, Russel Held, stressed that Moroccan people and officials have the opportunity, but also the duty to endeavour to expand the scope and volume economic and trade exchanges between the two countries, recalling the longstanding ties binding the two countries, since the signing in 1787 of the oldest unbroken friendship and peace Treaty between Sultan Sidi Mohammed and president Georges Washington
The Virigina port had signed with the Tanger-Med port a protocol of agreement meant to promote the opening of sea lines and increase trade between the two countries.

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