Rome – Moroccan foreign minister Saad Dine El-Otmani met, on Monday in Rome, with French peer Alain Juppé on the sidelines of the 9th meeting of 5+5…
Browsing: Morocco News
Zoltan Arva-Toth “Continental Drift” is an exhibition of new work – a video and a set of enlarged video stills – by Colin Snapp. Filmed entirely…
By Osman Mirghani Osman Mirghani Osman Mirghani is Asharq Al-Awsat’s Senior Editor-at-Large. Despite the vast distance between them and the different circumstances involved, there is a…
Le chanteur américain Lenny Kravitz a confirmé sa participation à la onzième édition du festival Mawazine Rythmes du Monde qui aura lieu à Rabat du 18…
CEPII Unlike for men, the participation of females to the labour force is very unequal across countries. In 2010, for example, close to 80 percent of…
Les Echos QuotidienPrès de 30 millions de dollars investis par Repared Fodds Morocco Limited, société maroco-australienne pour l’implantation d’une ferme d’élevage de truffes de la mer…
Written by: Americ Ngwije Daemon’s TV Prev Skins “Mini” Series 6 Episode 5 airs tonight at 10pm on E4 (UK). You can read all our coverage of…
From the ancient medina to the Palmeraie, Morocco’s Rose City offers a warm escape from the cold of winter. Aoife O’Riordain Click here for 48Hours In…Marrakech map…