Business standard IANS | Rabat Morocco’s large-scale anti-poverty National Initiative for Human Development (INDH), a signature project launched by King Mohammed VI in May 2005, has…
Business standard IANS | Rabat Morocco’s large-scale anti-poverty National Initiative for Human Development (INDH), a signature project launched by King Mohammed VI in May 2005, has…
Reuters By Emma Batha Girls are “like a timebomb ready to explode and ruin the family’s reputation”, the Moroccan jewelry trader tells his customer as she…
Associated Press By Paul Schemm Moroccan authorities still use torture widely despite a ban on the practice, the Amnesty International rights group said in a report…
PRI.Org By Jake Warga Major amendments were made to Morocco’s Family Code (the Moudawana) in 2004, giving husbands and wives joint responsibility in household matters and…
IT News Africa In an effort to continue to expand, Ingram Micro announced that it has opened its subsidiary office in Casablanca. The new office should…
Published by eProp Commercial Property News Delta International Property Holdings publishes consolidated interim financial statements for the three months and the nine months ended 31 March…
Middle East Monitor Maisaa’ Shu’aa Al-Din Abdul Malek Al Houthi shows up from time to time on Yemeni television. These days there is not a single…
Associated Press By Paul Schemm Moroccan King Mohammed VI has ordered that laws restricting abortion be loosened, allowing it in the case of rape, incest, danger…