by Jon Mainwaring| Rigzone Staff| Chariot Oil & Gas announced Thursday that it has acquired equity interests in two offshore exploration blocks in Morocco. The company…
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Reuters (The following statement was released by the rating agency) Oct 11 – =============================================================================== Ratings — Morocco (Kingdom of) ———————————– 11-Oct-2012 =============================================================================== CREDIT RATING: Country: Morocco…
ProActive Investors UK Chariot Oil and Gas by Jamie Ashcroft Chariot says says the two exploration ventures are excellent additions to its West African portfolio.… by Lorys Charalambous,, Cyprus Moroccan Finance Minister Nizar Baraka has recently confirmed government plans to address the reform of the country’s tax system within… The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Moroccan world leading corporation in the phosphate industry OCP SA have signed a loan agreement of €130 million…
BIKYA MASR | Joseph Mayton France’s Vivendi looking at letting go of Maroc Telecom. CAIRO: France’s Vivendi is currently investigating a potential sale of its controlling…

Other 100 mln to MEDZ for technology parks (ANSAmed) – Brussels, October 9 – New loan of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Morocco: 130 million…
ProActive Investors UK Fastnet Oil & Gas by Philip Whiterow Shore adds that recent independent reports covering the Molly Malone and Mizzen Basins in the…