by Imed Lamloum – TRIPOLI (AFP) Libya’s new premier presented Tuesday a cabinet that includes liberals and Islamists, in a fresh test of the country’s fledgling…
Browsing: Arab Spring
By: Said Temsamani Contrary to what former protests across the Middle East and North Africa might imply, Morocco and Jordan monarchs still enjoy an extraordinary degree…
By: Said Temsamani The Arab League, officially called the League of Arab States, is a notoriously fractious regional organization of 22 Arab states based in Cairo.…
Magharebia (Washington) From Mali to Morocco, the capacity of Islamist governance is being put to the test. By Jemal Oumar and Raby Ould Idoumou for Magharebia…
* Islam hardly on synod agenda but often discussed * Bishops struggling to counter Islam’s appeal and methods * Arab and African bishops report problems in…

Strategy Page October 24, 2012: A major reason for the renewed vigor of Islamic terror organizations in the last year is the success of the Arab…
Published on The National Interest ( Source URL (retrieved on Oct 24, 2012): Ahmed Charai In May 2011, the Gulf Cooperation Council—an alliance composed of…
Published on openDemocracy ( Tarek Osman When Islamic groups command the legislative and executive powers in a country, the Islamisation of society takes centre stage. Young, enthusiastic, and…