Tuesday, March 4

Belgian VM Steel makes foray in Morocco to conquer Africa

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The North Africa Post

VM Steel, a Belgian stock-listed exporter of a wide range of steel products has launched a subsidiary, VM Steel Maroc, in Morocco from where it aims to conquer the African continent.

The subsidiary is the first international branch of the Belgian steel giant.

“The choice of Morocco is not due to chance. Morocco is indeed an incomparable axis of development to continue to develop the rest of VM Steel’s activity in Africa,” the company said.

“VM Steel started its commercial activity in Morocco in the 90s, and it is a logical continuation for the company to make this investment today.”

The Belgian company is partnering with local steel firm K-3S&T on the project.

VM Steel Maroc, will propose steel-related products including 18/10 stainless steel, stainless steel and carbon steel as well as logistical and financial consultation services.

With two warehouses extending over 5,000 m² and 15,000 m² in Belgium, VM is present in 100 countries around the world according to its website.

It also operates in several other categories including fertilizers, gas, oil, food processing, chemistry, biochemistry, boiler making, mining, cement plants and renewable energies.



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