Monday, March 10

Back after trek to to old Legion fort

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OUTPOST: Jez Dix and Matt Tattershall

OUTPOST: Jez Dix and Matt Tattershall
A TEAM from a Worcestershire-based firm has returned safely from a challenging expedition across Morocco.

Travelling on motorcycles, the Legion Expedition team, from Trailquest in Malvern, used old military maps and satellite imagery to locate and plot a route to an abandoned Foreign Legion outpost in the south-east of the country.

A Trailquest spokesman said they encountered conditions ranging from deep sand to deep snow in what turned out to be a very challenging adventure.

“The use of light weight trail bikes for archaeological exploration is something we have pioneered.


“Enabling us to go where even 4×4 vehicles cannot reach has proved very valuable in achieving the expedition aims,” he said.

The team were acting as an advance party for a follow-up expedition being undertaken by students from theUniversity of Worcester in May.



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