By Naija247news – Feb 5, 201 by Ahmed Eljechtimi Morocco’s unemployment rate dropped to 9.8 percent in 2018 from 10.2 percent in 2017 with services topping…
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Casablanca – Lahsan Maqnaa Morocco’s Bank Lending Rose 3.22 Percent in 2018 to 870 Billion Dirhams ($91.6 billion). Currently, bank lending accounts for about 79 percent…
Sahara News by Ali Haidar The European Parliament is due to vote on the new Morocco-EU fisheries agreement in a plenary session on February 13 after…
NATO On 22 January 2019, NATO and Morocco organized a joint public diplomacy event in Rabat, Morocco to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Mediterranean Dialogue…
Crypto News Jorden Chery Global Single Superphosphate Market report highlights the current market size and future potential of the market at the global and regional level…
The North Africa Post The EU-Morocco joint parliamentary committee will hold its 10th annual meeting in Rabat on March 1st to look into the achievements made… Morocco is actually a kinda special destination. Of course, many people have heard about it, but only a small percentage of them are able to…
Atlas Obscura by Noor Al-Samarrai The encroaching desert meant lots of changes. One of 65 standing stones at the center of a necropolis complex. WESTERN SAHARA…