MIRROR.co.uk By Paul Cockerton A “fresh” Martian meteorite that fell to Earth last year contains unique evidence of water weathering on the planet’s surface. The rock,…
Author MoroccoTomorrow

ALL AFRICA Maghreb Arabe Presse (Rabat) Skhirat — HM King Mohammed VI has addressed a message to the participants in the first international symposium on microfinance…
Associated Press Tourists stroll through Casablanca, Morocco’s Habous district, built by the French in the 1920s to resemble a traditional Moroccan medina. (AP) CASABLANCA, Morocco –…

ALL AFRICA Magharebia (Washington DC) BY HASSAN BENMEHDI Casablanca — Morocco is launching a project to enhance the digital skills of small business owners. Morocco just…
Paris – The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will organize, as of Friday at the Moulay Rachid complex of Bouznika, its autumn university…

Paris – Governments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) should create urgently needed jobs for the 2.5 million people entering the labour market each…
Sahara News Écrit par Ali Haidar La conjonction entre revendications séparatistes et extrémisme islamiste a joué un rôle de catalyseur dans la crise actuelle au Mali,…
United Nations News Centre with breaking news from the UN News Service Ivan Šimonovic, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights. UN Photo/Ryan Brown Radical Islamists who seized…