Doha – Qatar wants to receive more Moroccan skilled labor, Qatari Industry and Energy minister Mohamed Bin Salah Assada said, on the occasion of the Moroccan-Qatari…
Doha – Qatar wants to receive more Moroccan skilled labor, Qatari Industry and Energy minister Mohamed Bin Salah Assada said, on the occasion of the Moroccan-Qatari…
Worldcrunch The tanneries of Fez – (Indo_Girl 2010) By Martine Picouët LE MONDE/Worldcrunch FEZ – Everyone should go to the Moroccan city of Fez at least…
LAND ROVER OWNER INTERNATIONAL Land Rover provides team desert training exercise as part of Race2Recovery sponsorship The Race2Recovery (R2R) team of wounded soldiers planning to enter…
Strategy Page October 24, 2012: A major reason for the renewed vigor of Islamic terror organizations in the last year is the success of the Arab…
ATLANTICO.fr De nombreux camps d’entraînement terroristes émergent en Afrique du Nord et plus particulièrement au Mali et en Tunisie, et accueillent de plus en plus de…
Par : Souad Adlani Rabat – Le Haut Commissaire au Plan, M. Ahmed Lahlimi a plaidé pour une réforme de l’Etat pour que le Maroc puisse faire…
Published on The National Interest (http://nationalinterest.org) Source URL (retrieved on Oct 24, 2012): http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/gcc-expansion-time-arab-turmoil-7661 Ahmed Charai In May 2011, the Gulf Cooperation Council—an alliance composed of…
Young workers: Youth unemployment in the Arab world The issue of youth unemployment in Arabic-speaking countries in the Middle East and North Africa was a major…