Magharebia Moroccan judicial police on Tuesday (January 6th) transferred eight terror suspects to the general prosecutor’s office in Rabat, Au Fait Maroc reported. The suspects are…
Author MoroccoTomorrow
Bernama Malaysia Combating corruption is among the main challenges facing Moroccan society in its aspiration for more openness and transparency, says the President of the Moroccan…
Associated Press By Paul Schemm The Ridley Scott biblical epic “Exodus,” that was banned in Morocco for violating Islamic precepts, will be shown once again in…
ADVFN Financial & Company News — DRC-1 well encounters gas bearing reservoir of excellent quality representing second consecutive successful gas exploration well on Rharb Centre Permit…
Middle East Eye Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will visit Rabat next weekend in a bid to iron out differences between the two governments, a Moroccan…
Eoin O’Cinneide 06 January 2015 08:25 GMT Gulfsands Petroleum has struck gas at a well onshore Morocco where further potential will see it carrying out more…
Natural Gas Asia Gulfsands Petroleum on Monday said it has found gas at Dardara Southeast 1 well (DRC-1), located within the Rharb Centre Permit in Northern…
London South East Alliance News Gulfsands Petroleum PLC saw its shares rise Tuesday after it found a second gas reservoir on the Rharb Centre Permit in…