Las Palmas – Canary Islands government hopes to “continue its cooperation with Morocco” for the creation of open trade zones,” as part of the European project of…
Author MoroccoTomorrow
Rabat – The German government is committed to supporting the democratization and regionalization process in Morocco, German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dirk Niebel, said on…
By Ron Kampeas Photos Other Media Secular protesters march against Islamism in Tunis ahead of the Oct. 24 elections in Tunisia, Oct. 14, 2011. The…
Greenwich Citizen By Anne W. Semmes For over half a century the Greenwich Exchange for Women’s Work has been tucked away on Sherwood Place. It continues…
HUFF POST WORLD Alon Ben-Meir | 3 Hours Ago Whereas political reforms are needed and necessary, no Arab country is ready for rapid and comprehensive democratic…
HUFF POST Seven: A Lucky Number? Richard Attias | 1 hours ago Comments (0) Yesterday on October 31st the world’s population officially hit seven billion. Seven…
By Stefan Nicola The Desertec Sahara solar venture expects to sign an agreement withAlgeria next month to build a power plant in the North African country,…
ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Algeria and neighboring nations are cooperating in multiple investigations aimed at freeing three European aid workers believed kidnapped by Al Qaedamilitants, Algeria’s…