Monday, March 10

Arab Spring women's Rights Constitutional Conference November 2011

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Peaceable societies require fair and just Constitutions which respect and confirm women’s rights

British Council Middle East Symposium

Wiston House Wilton Park United Kingdom

24-27 November 2011

‘Arab Spring to Arab Summer – Writing Women’s Rights into Constitutions’

The British Council, represented by Stephen Forbes, Regional Programme Director Middle East, is hosting a major event at Wiston House. Conference language English, with simultaneous Arabic translators.

Immense changes are taking place in the Arab World. Constitutions are being revised and new constitutions drafted for discussion among the public. A gender-sensitive Constitution requires the adoption of democratic principles which combine the establishment of the rule of law, gender equality and respect for the human dignity of all citizens – men and women alike. In the past 21 years, more than 100 countries have been involved in writing new Constitutions or undertaking substantial revisions of existing ones. Entities such as the United Nations Convention against all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) encourage all States to review and update Constitutions from the Gender perspective.

Participation: all enquires re participation contact Mariam.Daher direct.

PRESS ENQUIRIES contact Mark Moulding in the British Council Press Office on mark.moulding

Conference Agenda: agenda enquiries only to Lesley Abdela, Senior Partner Shevolution Consultancy. lesley.abdela or tim.symonds

The Conference will open with welcoming remarks by Martin Davidson, Chief Executive British Council, followed by Stephen Forbes, MENA Regional Programme Director, and the Conference agenda by Lesley Abdela, Eyecatcher/Shevolution.

Conference Agenda includes:

Keynote – Brief introduction on what Constitutions do – why does a State have a Constitution? – the structure of a Constitution.

The role of the Constitution in guaranteeing fundamental rights to individuals (i) the role of a Constitution in the aftermath of transition; (ii) the drafting of Constitutions; (iii) the issue of inclusion of different (vested and unvested) interests; (iv) the erection of administrative structures to facilitate the Constitutional vision; and (v) the process of generating adequate remedies for violations.

· Case examples from around the world of advocacy to get women’s rights enshrined in the Constitution (Advocacy and consultation). Facilitator Lesley Abdela

· From paper to practice – Once women’s rights and gender equality are enshrined in the Constitution, how to make sure they are implemented and enforced.

· the issue of bringing religious and customary law systems into harmony with gender equality guarantees in the Constitution.

· Women’s Rights in the Constitution – Lessons Learned from Iraq. What worked well and what didn’t – Legal/Advocacy/Implementation. Panel discussion – Panel will be from Iraqi Participants. Facilitator Lesley Abdela

· Clarification of the difference between what should be in the Constitution on women’s rights compared to what is achieved through Statute Law. Case examples of Constitutions inclusive of women’s rights and gender equality.

· Gender audits – equality rights and reproductive rights; institutions of government; the design of the Constitutional court; principles of interpretation; access and standing; and the means of Constitutional amendment; provisions governing the recognition of international and customary law. Questions to ask in a Gender audit of a draft Constitution.

· Enshrining gender quotas for Parliament and Public Life in a Constitution – or not? Around 40 countries have introduced gender quotas in elections to national parliaments, either by means of Constitutional amendments or by changing the electoral laws (legal quotas).

Speakers And Facilitatorsinclude:

· Professor Susan H. Williams: Walter W. Foskett Professor of Law, Director, Center for Constitutional Democracy, Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Professor Williams has written numerous articles and books on constitutional law. She received her J.D. from Harvard University and has taught at Cornell Law School and visited at the University of Paris (II), Cambridge University, and the EUI. She is a constitutional advisor to the Burmese democracy movement, the governments of Liberia and South Sudan, and Civil Society organisations in Vietnam and Cuba.

· Sanam Naraghi Anderlini: Senior Expert in Gender, Peace and Security Issues on the UN’s Mediation Standby Team, UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA). As senior policy advisor to International Alert (a UK-based Non-Governmental Organization), she advocated for and drafted the United Nations Security Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. As director of the Women Waging Peace Policy Commission between 2002–2005, Ms. Anderlini led groundbreaking field research on women’s contributions to conflict prevention, peace processes, governance, transitional justice, and post-conflict disarmament and reintegration issues in twelve countries.

· Professor Joshua Castellino: Professor of Law & Head of Law Department, Middlesex University London and Adjunct Professor of Law at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, Galway, Ireland. Prof Castellino has held visiting positions in Ireland, Spain and Italy. He was awarded a Chevening Scholarship to pursue an MA in International Law & Politics in 1995 and completed his PhD in International Law in 1998 under the guidance of Prof Hilaire McCoubrey. Prof Castellino has authored six books in international law and human rights law, was part of the EU China Experts and Diplomatic Dialogue and Lawyers for the New Millennium: a programme of support for the Arab Law Union. He regularly engages with multilateral organisations and with Law Societies and NGOs in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, on issues of human rights advocacy and public international law. He is currently working on a book with Kathleen Cavanaugh entitled Minority Rights in the Middle East: A Comparative Legal Analysis to be published by Oxford University Press in 2012.

· Cecilia Bylesjӧ: Resident Programme Manager, NDI Somalia. Formerly Gender Adviser in Nepal with International IDEA (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance). Co-author ‘Public Consultation On A Draft Constitution With Particular Reference To Women’. She has also worked in Indonesia and Malaysia, both Muslim states.

Plus Lesley Abdela (UK), Maysoon Al-Damluji MP (Iraq), Maya Mounayer, Ala Talabani MP (Iraq), Maya Mounayer (Lebanon), HE Ms Nawal Faouri, Doa’a Abdelaal (Egypt), Inge Relph, HE Professor Moh’d Hammouri (TBC), Baroness Hodgson, Baroness Uddin, Kareen Jabre (WLUML), Tim Symonds (UK),

Participants will be women and men from Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Iraq, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Lebanon, including –

• Judiciary and others participating in drawing up State Constitutions

• Constitutional lawyers

• Politicians/people in public life

• Relevant senior officials from Government Departments/Judiciary who will be responsible for ensuring the Constitution is implemented in reality such as Justice/Home Office

• Advocacy campaigners on women’s rights

• Male/female Youth Leaders

• Editors/Journalists

British Council Offices in participants’ countries

Kuwait: Oman:

Jordan: Egypt:

Lebanon: Tunisia:

Iraq: Saudi Arabia:

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities


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