Saturday, March 8

Arab Spring News: September 15, 2012

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Mideast violence shows ‘Arab Spring’ still a work in progress

Islamist Extremism After the Arab Spring

Salafists Storm Arab Spring: Extremists exploit embassy attacks

Clinton demands Arab Spring nations protect embassies, halt violence

Arab Protests Ease After Violence Against Anti-Muslim Film

Mideast violence shows ‘Arab Spring’ still a work in progress

Los Angeles Times

Anti-American violence sweeping the Muslim world has brought a sobering reminder in the West that the heady revolutions of the “Arab Spring” that removed entrenched dictatorships in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have yet to bring democracy and stability t


Islamist Extremism After the Arab Spring

Council on Foreign Relations

The extremists, especially al-Qaeda, in the aftermath of the Arab Spring felt very weakened, not only by the death of Osama bin Laden, but also by the weakness of their narrative in the Muslim world. The narrative of global jihad doesn’t really exist …


Salafists Storm Arab Spring: Extremists exploit embassy attacks


‪What’s happening on the ground in Cairo and Benghazi appears to be a case of political opportunism – no, not by Mitt Romney, though there


Clinton demands Arab Spring nations protect embassies, halt violence


(CNN) — As anti-American furor raged in the home of the Arab Spring, the top U.S. diplomat on Friday sternly warned countries where the unrest has been most pronounced: Stop the violence and seek justice against those attacking diplomatic missions, …


Arab Protests Ease After Violence Against Anti-Muslim Film


The days of turmoil across the Arab and Muslim world put new Arab Spring leaders in nations such as Tunisia and Egypt on the defensive as Islamists showed their power to exploit popular discontent. The violence also kept President Barack Obama under …


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