Monday, March 10

Arab Spring News: September 11, 2012

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Arab Spring Assets Recovery Supported By Obama

The Arab Spring’s Islamist Inheritors

Palestinians Joining the Arab Spring?

Arab Spring boosts Dubai retail sales: mall owner

LEADERSHIP: Where The Arab Spring Went To Die

Arab Spring Watch: Yemen’s same old problems drone on

UAE extends crackdown on Islamists, 8 arrested

No Internet-Fueled Arab Spring For China’s 538M Web Users

Desperate act by Palestinian teen recalls action that spurred Arab spring

Arab Spring Assets Recovery Supported By Obama

Huffington Post

DOHA, Qatar — U.S. President Barack Obama reaffirmed American support Tuesday for Arab Spring nations seeking to recover possibly billions of dollars in assets stashed away by members of the toppled regimes. But one of Obama’s senior advisers noted …


The Arab Spring’s Islamist Inheritors

Huffington Post

The turbulence in the Middle East in the wake of the Arab Spring is intensifying. That is true for the shape and character of domestic regimes and the regional politics they affect. External relations, in turn, exercise reciprocating influences on


Palestinians Joining the Arab Spring?


The Arab Spring has made reporters understandably excitable at the first sign of popular discontent in the Arab world, especially in places previously unaffected by the revolutionary wave. And so the Associated Press report out of Hebron yesterday took …


Arab Spring boosts Dubai retail sales: mall owner


DUBAI (Reuters) – Spending at Dubai malls owned by Majid Al Futtaim (MAF) is up 10 percent as the Arab Spring and economic woes in Europe draw immigrants and tourists to the emirate. “The Arab Spring has been positive for Dubai because a lot of…


LEADERSHIP: Where The Arab Spring Went To Die

Strategy Page

The Arab Spring has not worked in Bahrain, although 45 people have died since martial law was lifted in June 2011. The minority Sunni government in Bahrain have managed to keep a lid on Shia protestors, in part by blaming it on Iran, just across the…


Arab Spring Watch: Yemen’s same old problems drone on


‪Most Western headlines about Yemen lately have focused on the “al-Qaeda threat” and “US drone strikes on suspected militants.


UAE extends crackdown on Islamists, 8 arrested

The Daily Star‎

‪DUBAI: The United Arab Emirates has arrested eight Emirati Islamists, including a state prosecutor and a former judge, rights activists said on


No Internet-Fueled Arab Spring For China’s 538M Web Users

International Business Times‎

‪No Internet-Fueled Arab Spring For China’s 538M Web Users … that China’s Internet population had risen to 538 million users, a figure likely to ..


Desperate act by Palestinian teen recalls action that spurred Arab spring

Catholic Online

Many wonder if his suicide will have the same effect as the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia in December, 2010 that triggered the Arab Spring. Email. Print. Facebook Delicous MySpace. Twitter Stumble Digg. More Destinations. LOS ANGELES …


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