Thursday, March 6

Arab Spring News: September 1, 2012

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No prospect of Arab Spring in GCC countries

Introducing the UJR – The United Jihadi Republic

Cold war caliphate

What the Arab papers say

Strings attached [Gulf, The (Bahrain)]

Main Opposition CHP Eyes Greater Intíl Role

Christianity faces a Middle Eastern exodus

Twitter and Linux: The Open Source Marriage Made in Heaven

AP Analysis: Syria Diplomacy Stalls Over Safe Zone

No prospect of Arab Spring in GCC countries


(MENAFN – Arab News) THE New York Times posed a question for its readers in “Room for Debate.” The newspaper was wondering how the monarchies in the Middle East have managed, for the most part, to weather the turmoil that has brought down …


Introducing the UJR – The United Jihadi Republic

American Thinker

Cairo and Damascus — always at the heart of Arab politics — are again starring in the real-life drama of Arab turmoil that the media’s idiot-savants called the “Arab Spring.” Somehow, the “Arab Spring” does not look so rosy. Egypt may be the most …


Cold war caliphate

Hindustan Times

The most important shift has been the Arab Spring and the entry of new centres of power like Egypt. Another is a belief that the United States is starting to keep a distance from the region and that countries like India and China may seek greater ..


What the Arab papers say

The Economist (blog)

While some commentators welcome the trip as a new beginning in post-Arab Springregional politics, others take a more sceptical view. The Egyptian state-run daily, Al-Ahram, published an editorial in praise of Mr Morsi’s new foreign policy and firm …


Strings attached [Gulf, The (Bahrain)]

Last month, the long-anticipated International Monetary Fund (IMF) financing for ‘Arab Spring’ countries began to materialise, helping to diffuse potential balance-of-payments crises in Morocco and Jordan. The IMF threw a lifeline to the two kingdoms …


Main Opposition CHP Eyes Greater Intíl Role

Journal of Turkish Weekly

As a token of his will, the CHP has proposed forming a ìSyria Task Force of Socialist Internationalî for a peaceful resolution to the Syrian conflict, while South African President Jacob Zuma has voiced his concern over Arab Spring events, saying he …


Christianity faces a Middle Eastern exodus

Kansas City Star

The final outcome of the Arab Spring will not be known for years, perhaps decades, but in the meantime Christian communities across the Middle East continue to wither. The latest to face a possible exodus are Syrian Christians, many of whom are on the …


Twitter and Linux: The Open Source Marriage Made in Heaven


‪Twitter has transformed how people around the world communicate, from the mass political uprisings of 2011’s Arab Spring to how we anoint .


AP Analysis: Syria Diplomacy Stalls Over Safe Zone

ABC News‎

‪Turkey’s non-starter call for a humanitarian safe zone inside Syria offers the clearest sign yet that diplomacy to end the bloodshed in the most ..


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