Arab Spring Gets Mixed Results in Advancing Human Rights
Voice of America
December 02, 2011 Arab Spring Gets Mixed Results in Advancing Human Rights Nico Colombant While the so-called Arab Spring, which continues to this day, has had mixed results in advancing human rights, activists around the world say they have been …
Voice of America
December 02, 2011 Arab Spring Gets Mixed Results in Advancing Human Rights Nico Colombant While the so-called Arab Spring, which continues to this day, has had mixed results in advancing human rights, activists around the world say they have been …
Praise Arab Spring — except for the anti-Semitism
Nor can the idealism of the Arab Spring be denied. The people of the Middle East are finally awakening to the promise of liberty. There is another truth, however, that shouldn’t be denied. The desire of Arabs to be free of their spiteful and pitiless …
Nor can the idealism of the Arab Spring be denied. The people of the Middle East are finally awakening to the promise of liberty. There is another truth, however, that shouldn’t be denied. The desire of Arabs to be free of their spiteful and pitiless …
Sofia Echo
Countries involved in the Arab Spring will face a post-revolution choice during their transition periods – to lustrate officials from the previous regime or to pursue reconciliation – participants in the Sofia Platform conference on transitional …
An Arab spring of culture
Philippine Star
Like others who do not know much about Arab society, it is thought that women do not have a public role in society. Imagine my surprise to find a woman in Bahrain who not only plays a very public role in the shaping of society she is at the center of …
Philippine Star
Like others who do not know much about Arab society, it is thought that women do not have a public role in society. Imagine my surprise to find a woman in Bahrain who not only plays a very public role in the shaping of society she is at the center of …
Islamists and secularists in Tunisia stand-off
By Tarek Amara TUNIS (Reuters) – Thousands of Tunisian Islamists and secularists staged parallel protests outside the interim parliament on Saturday in a dispute over how big a role Islam should play in society after the country’s “Arab Spring” …
By Tarek Amara TUNIS (Reuters) – Thousands of Tunisian Islamists and secularists staged parallel protests outside the interim parliament on Saturday in a dispute over how big a role Islam should play in society after the country’s “Arab Spring” …
Bulgarian FM on Arab Spring: Posttotalitarian Societies Need Quick Justice
Saturday Mladenov spoke at a forum of the Sofia Platform, organized by the Bulgarian Foreign Affairs Ministry, entitled “Justice in Transition” and devoted to the events following the Arab Spring. Representatives of the pro-democracy opposition …
Saturday Mladenov spoke at a forum of the Sofia Platform, organized by the Bulgarian Foreign Affairs Ministry, entitled “Justice in Transition” and devoted to the events following the Arab Spring. Representatives of the pro-democracy opposition …
Toronto Star
Libya faces a slow, aching journey to the new Arab normal — another hazard-fraught year of huge hurdles. But longer term, if it can get there intact, Libya could yet emerge as the showroom for the Arab Spring. The ingredients are there for a kind of …
Dynamic 2011 events to shape world for years to come
(CNN) — From the Arab Spring to a global economic crisis to the killing of Osama bin Laden, 2011 has been defined by historic and dynamic events that will shape the world in the years ahead. A revolt across the Middle East and North Africa began with …
(CNN) — From the Arab Spring to a global economic crisis to the killing of Osama bin Laden, 2011 has been defined by historic and dynamic events that will shape the world in the years ahead. A revolt across the Middle East and North Africa began with …
Turkey’s Changing Regional Role
Huffington Post
In short, it was the “Arab Spring,” and the difficulties the US has had finding its way through the maze created by the region’s new political realities. What were constants have now become variables changing the Arab World’s landscape. …
Huffington Post
In short, it was the “Arab Spring,” and the difficulties the US has had finding its way through the maze created by the region’s new political realities. What were constants have now become variables changing the Arab World’s landscape. …
The 99% reaches the senate
Real News Network
In the Middle East the Arab Spring is in the process of turning a region long controlled by once-unchallengeable US-backed dictators into the centerpiece of today’s global transformations. And here in the US, through the work of organizations like
Real News Network
In the Middle East the Arab Spring is in the process of turning a region long controlled by once-unchallengeable US-backed dictators into the centerpiece of today’s global transformations. And here in the US, through the work of organizations like